Well not a whole lot has been going on here. I haven't posted for awhile so I thought I would just do a quick post. I just wanted to right down a few of the things the boys have been doing lately. They have both really started talking. People that haven't seen them for a couple of weeks even notice the difference. They both are different in their speech though. Boston has a cute little voice and Preston is a little louder. Boston doesn't say word right away when we ask him to. He thinks about it for a day or longer and then it comes out really clearly. When my brother Marcus was coming down I worked on them saying his name and Boston would not say anything and then one day he just said it as clearly as me. Preston when you ask him to say something he doesn't even stop to think so most things come out nothing like what it is supposed to sound like. Preston loves to sing. Not real words to anything but you can definitely tell the difference between his singing and his talking. Boston and Preston both like to lead music. When we are at church as soon as the piano or organ starts playing that stop whatever they are doing and wave their hands around like they know what they are doing. Now that I am trying to think of things that they say I can't so I am going to have to try to write things down while they are awake. But Boston can say Preston's name. Every time I call for Preston I have a little echo of Boston repeating it. Also Boston has started calling Gary and I by our names. He will call and say Gary or Kelly. It is cute. He also says the word cute. One day I told him he looked so cute. So now when he gets his shirts on or his shoes on he looks at me and says Cute. Bostons loves animals. Every time we go anywhere and there is a dog he just laughs and laughs at it and wants to pet it. He also loves his trains and kicking balls. Preston has really learned alot of words too. He is a talker. He talks the most but alot of it is not understandable. He can't say his name or Bostons name but he calls Boston "brother". Preston is funny, he says the word -there- after about every sentence. He will go through everyone in a picture and say mommy there, daddy there, brother there. He has also started calling me monny. At first when he wanted me a would yell ma but then somehow it turned to monny. Preston also loves animals. Preston is a lover and a fighter. Boston for the most part unless he wants something from Preston leaves him alone. But Preston loves to wrestle Boston. He will knock him to the ground and then sit on him until I get him off. Boston hasn't quite learned how to fight back. But then Preston also like to give the loves. He always wants to give Boston hugs or hold his had and Boston will run away. Preston always gets his feelings hurt and runs around after him with his arms out until he gets the hug. They also both love to read books. We read every night before they go to bed. They have a stack of books in their bedroom and every now and then when it seems a little too quiet I will go looking for them and they will be in their bedroom together just looking at books and acting like they are reading them to each other. They love the moon. Every night they look out the window to try to see it and every night we have to say night night to the moon before they can go to be.
They are both just getting so big and so crazy. Some days I don't know how much more I can take. But they are also so fun to watch together. I can't believe how fast time flys so I am trying to learn to be a little more patient with them and just enjoy the time we have together.
Sorry this is kind of a long and boring post but this is my journal, like I know it is for most of you so it is my way of keeping track of what the boys are up to.
Here are a few pictures of the boys. Most of them are of Boston this time. Lately it seems like they have mostly had Preston. Every time I pull out the camera Boston runs over to me and wants to take the picture so he is hardly ever in them. But a couple days ago I was able to get a couple cute ones. So here they are.
Ok so this first picture is actually not so cute. But kind of (I guess) a funny story. The other day I was doing something in my bedroom and Boston was in the office playing with some walkie talkies. Then I notice it was really quiet so you know what that means TROUBLE. So I went looking for him and this is what I found. He had taken off his pants and diaper and pooped on the floor. Needless to say it was not that funny at the time but I couldn't help but laugh a little bit as you can see by the look on his face he knew he had done something wrong. I am starting to think we may be starting potty training soon but I am not looking forward to it so I will procrastinate as long as possible.
Hitching a ride from daddy. He loves to ride on daddy's back and shoulders.
Talking to grandma on the phone.
Going on a trip.
Posing for the camera.
Boston and Preston reading books together.
Preston relaxing in his chair.
7 months ago
Oh my heck how funny that we posted almost the exact thing with our titles. I promise I didn't copy you that is to funny!! haha
That is so hillarious about Boston(you probably don't think so)hahaha
Your boys are getting so big. They are so cute.
Madison LOVES the moon book. She used to always want me to read it to her over and over.
Daxton call's Nikki, Nikki instead of grandma. It is so funny!! He say's her name so clear. I think that is why it is so funny!
I just got one of those slings and I am going to try it tommorrow. I hope it works!!
Oh ya I LOVE that site. It is so awesome. I am always leaving comments all the time! Some of the things people write are so crazy!! HAH Thanks for telling me about it. Hope you are doing great, the next time you come down we should all go to lunch or something!! What you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
Cute new pictures. It's so funny to read about how different twins personalities can be. What cute boys!
Wow that is big piece of poo poo. At least he didn't smear it everywhere, Teagen did that and when I went to check on him there was poo poo on his bed, carpet, toys, wall...oh my it was so gross. But that was a cute picture of him. We're so excited we get to see you guys at Thanksgiving.
OOOO I miss you guys so much!! I love the pics and all the stories about what they are up too. Sorry about the poo on the carpet that had to been hilarious and frustrating at the same time.
Hey Kel,
After seeing you guys a couple weeks ago, while I was reading your post i could see your boys so clearly in my mind doing all of the things you wrote about. They are so sweet to each other. I think it would be so nice to have a a constant playmate for my kids, but at the same time WAY more work than i could handle i'm sure.
Love ya
Cute boys! I love when the kids start talking! They are getting so big, no longer babies! Happy Thanksgiving by the way!
I love this age - so much to learn & discover. I too like hearing how different they can be. So cute.
Isn't it amazing to see their differences. I wish I had my blog during the boys younger years so I would have been better about journaling about it. Now, how did that poop come out of that little boy????? That is funny. At least it didn't end up on the drapes if you can recall our story... :) Just when I think they can't get any cuter, they do!
So cute that Boston waits to say words until he can say them well. Tom's mom told me that Tom used to do that too. He would not talk in front of people but she would see him practicing when he thought he was alone.
I love the poop on the floor. FUNNY!
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