Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bike Riders

We now have 2 wheel bike riders. It is kind of a funny story of how they learned too. So Gary had taken the training wheels off of their bikes last summer and told them he would pay the $5 or something if they learned to ride the bikes. Well every time we tried to get them to ride they would have nothing to do with it. They would just say they wanted the training wheels back on. Anyway cut to this spring. We have a neighbor boy who comes over to play and kept saying he wanted to teach them how to ride their bikes. I would always say no because I really didn't think he could teach them and didn't really trust him either with letting him help them on the two wheel bikes. Well one day they were out back playing and he asked if he could go home and get his bike. So he did. Well they were back there for like maybe 20 minutes and his mom called for him to go home. When I went back there to get him I see Boston riding by on his bike. I was like "what in the world, Brandt did you teach him how to do that!?" Anyways in that short time they were back there he had taught both Boston and Preston to ride their bikes. It was crazy, I could not believe that a 7 year old could teach them when we had been trying forever to get them to even get on. I was pretty excited and you better believe they remembered that Gary had offered them money if they learned and wanted him to pay up. But man do they love going for bike rides now. Everyday they want to go a little bit further than the day before. It has been a lot of fun to go for bike rides as a family.

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